Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Favorite Restaurant

Ok so here are some pictures from one of our favorite restaurants. Also here is some food we were served once when we came here with some of our co-workers.  What is it? We are not sure, but I don't think we actually tried any of it.  Anyways, I think this is all the same place. Except for the receipt. I have no idea what that is from or why Alan took a picture of  it, but I am posting the picture anyways and I hope that is what was meant to be done with it....yeah.


  1. Question. How do you frame the pictures you post? Are they framed before you upload them or does your blog template do it? I love it.

  2. It is an app for the iPhone called hipstmatic. We take all our pictures with it...hence why our pictures look cool. We are not that talented....
